Sorry guys, that I didn’t let you know about my life in almost a month. I just didn’t really feel like it, but I’m gonna change that now!! Really, sorry.

1st week:
Believe it or not: I went biking! With friends! And it was awesome! Mia and Emma are just incrediibly cool to be around 🙂 It was so much fun and everything was so pretty! I love the foliage here!
Later this week was a friends birthday – Americans love German chocolate, that’s all I’m gonna say about this! 😉 I think I made someone happy. On Friday I went to another soccer game with  2 friends and it was pretty cool! (Okay okay, it was a bit awkward, but not too badly xD). I had Drama Rehearsal on Saturday and it was probably my favorite one ever! We did some sort of trustfall and it was really cool xD And then Mia, Tricia and I went to ‚Bees Knees‘ – some sort of restaurant. Let’s just say service in Germany is different than service in the US v.v. It was still fun though. And afterwards we went to Mia’s house to hang out a bit more. It was reallly cool xD After I got home my family watched ‚Nightmare before Christmas‘ – US culture!! :3

2nd week:
The week I got into Advanced US History and in Drama I’m allowed to slap Payton :3 I think that’s pretty awesome xD Actually, this week was full of Rehearsals… that was pretty much all I’ve done. Rehearsals and spending time with my family. But to be honest, that’s really all I need to be happy here. 🙂 And on the weekend we went to the mall and I finally bought winterboots! They had so many awesome, geeky stores there *__* I wish I could live in a mall! …well… or not. I’d probably spend all my money on stuff I don’t really need >.<

3rd week:
So this week started off with Rehearsals again – we really have a lot of Rehearsals. November 20th is coming closer and a musical is a lot of work ^^; Kaysie and Andrew showed me ‚The Dungeon‘ under the school and wanted to scare me, but they failed xDD It was pretty cool, we found a lot of old stuff, mostly clothes. We had visitors from Nicaragua at our school on Tuesday and Thursday. They were really sweet :3 We went to a Chinese restaurant with them and danced with them and it made me really happy xD On Friday I went to a ‚Haunted House‘ in Llamoille with Mia, Ski, Tricia, Emma and Lydia. It was SO scary! And the US is crazy about Halloween xD I got chased by a guy with a chainsaw. That was fun xD This weekend Thom – my pseudomom’s best friend – visited us :3 He’s really funny and we had a good time! We went to the Vermont Comic Con on Saturday! He went as some guy from ‚Team Fortress 2‘, Angela went as the Doctor, Issy as ‚Pangela‘ and I went as Totoro xD It was so cool! I just couldn’t handle it xD So much fun!! We had lunch in Burlington afterwards and came back home :3 Sunday Thom left again and I just chilled with my family 🙂

4th week:
Okay so this week started off with Rehearsals again. Lots and lots of dancing v.v And we’re making a movie in Spanish and I had to get hit by a car xD That was fun. I didn’t really do much this week besides Drama, but Friday was just CRAZY!! Because of Halloween! Oh my god, I’ve never seen this many kids at once! There were about 1000 kids on the streets ( lots and lots of Elsas… xD) and the Halloween decorations just went crazy! There was a mansion and the people there made their frontyard into a spooky Halloween walk! No clue how to describe it, but it was just cool xD Other people gave out hot chocolate, they even closed off streets! Because of Halloween!! Isn’t that crazy? Well… it was definitely crazy. Issy went as a crazy cat lady, Penny as a witch, Angela as a nerd and I went as an icehockey player xD Rachel had some sort of Halloween party and I stopped by for a while and then I went home and spent the rest of the evening making a sweetness scale for my candy – some of it is just grossly sweet v.v Well… most of it. But my sisters are gonna love it xD Saturday was a set-building day for Drama and I stayed for 5 hours instead of 2, just because I had fun building stuff xDD No clue how or when I became a crafty person, but whatever xD Later that day Mia and Emma invited me over to watch ‚Mean Girls‘. Definitely an important part of US culture and definitely inappropriate and the funniest movie I’ve seen in a while xDD Crazy that it’s 10 years old!

So that was my month, let’s see what today brings xD I’ll try to give you the next update a bit sooner!!

We spent this weekend with a part of Patrick’s family and I really liked them 🙂 Saturday was a lot of fun 🙂 We spent a lot of time in Lake George and then we went on a steam boat and took a tour around the lake – pirate themed! 😀 Sunday we went hiking and it was incredibly beautiful and we took a few really really cool pictures 🙂 It was kinda sad that we already had to leave on Sunday, but we had school on Monday so we couldn’t change that. Still, the weekend was just perfect. Perfect and needed. I felt a lot better after that. Homecoming had been at the same weekend as our Lake George trip, so I missed that. the Varsity Soccer Team got Mohawks – which looks kinda ridiculous but some people can really pull it off.
Many people asked me if I was okay on Monday, and I was so that was good and people could stop being worried. Later that day I chilled with friends and then i went home.
On Tuesday I won a dollar playing Apples to Apples in TA xD oh yeah. Anyways, it was a pretty good day. On Wednesday I had my first dance rehearsal for Anything Goes. Yeeeeah it went really well >.> I just can’t dance xD But that’s no problem cause we still had a lot of fun. Falling during a dance really gives you the opportunity to make new friends xDD it was awesome. Also we had another excursion in Spanish and we hiked at Elmore Park. I just can’t get enough of those leaves. It’s INCREDIBLY beautiful… We were late for D block but at least I got to talk in Spanish a lot xD I think I’m improving!
Friday was just awesome! I stayed after school to help with an art project and afterwards I chilled with Sterling and we went to a soccer game with Kaysie and Johnny 🙂 I just love the people here 🙂 Johnny brought us McDonalds food which was very nice of him and our team won so it couldn’t really be any better 🙂 Also ‚Uncle the Kate‘ (Don’t mind the nickname) visited us and we watched Ghostbusters together! Awesome movie xD American culture woohooo!
And yesterday we watched Star Wars Episode IV – MORE AMERICAN CULTURE!! xD
We had a Rocktoberfest in Morrisville – which has nothing to do with our Oktoberfest but whatever xD It was pretty cool they had a lot of stuff there. Mostly for kids, but there was a mini-golf. It was just kinda sad that it rained and I couldn’t stay too long because we had a Drama rehearsal so I went there. I love spending time with those people. Also I’m allowed to slap Payton as a part of my role :3 That’s gonna be fun xD Sorry Payton! Awesome week for me ^-^
I hope yours was just as good!! ❤

Shooting in Morrisville…

This week was AWESOME!!!
I’m going to start with Saturday: Emma and her family took my to a Billy Bragg concert!! God it was awesome! He talked a lot about politics and his music was incredible and his supporting act – a girl with a incredible voice – was just fabulous! I loved it! The car ride to Bellows Falls was incredible. It’s usually a 2 hour ride but we took about 6. Because we did A LOT of stuff on the way 🙂 For example: We stopped in Montpelier, the capital of Vermont and Emma and I went to a Record store/Vintage Clothing store 😀 I’ve never been to a a store like that before, it was just incredible 🙂 Also I bought a cute 20’s dress. At our 2nd stop we visited a toy museum. Oh yeah. It made me feel old xD And after the Museum we went to the ‚Crand Canyon of the East‘. – NOT! It was really just a tiny river under a bridge xD But hey! I’ve been there and it was kinda pretty 🙂 When we arrived in Bellows Falls we met a friend of Emma and chilled in a cafe (where I asked for an apple and the guy behind the counter was like: „Sure! Just take it. Follow your dreams.“ – MADE MY DAY!) and then went to the concert.
On Sunday I went shopping with my pseudo mom. Pullovers are hopefully going to save my life here and I finally got myself a winter jacket! Woohoo! Oh… and… I went to Wallmart. I don’t even know what to say. There is no way I can describe a Wallmart to you guys… It’s just insane, weird and kinda gross xD
The following week was SPIRIT WEEK at school! Soooo… what is spirit week? I’m not really sure to be honest but it’s a week where you express your school spirit by wearing a special type of clothes. And I think it has something to do with homecoming. O.o Anyways…
Monday: Every grade had to wear a special color (Freshman: white, Sophomore: orange, Junior: purple, Senior: blue), Tuesday: Character Day (everyone dresses up as a character from a book, movie, etc.), Wednesday: Well dressed, Thursday: Throwback (you dress up as someone in another time period), Friday: Green and Gold. School colors 😉
So on monday I wore an awesome, fuzzy, purple hat and a purple sweater and people loved my hat. Also that day we did something that was very new for me: We did a lockdown practice. It’s a bit like a fire drill, but you stay inside, turn down the light, lock the door and hide in a corner. It turned out to be important…
On Tuesday Kaysie and I went as Brad and Janet from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I don’t think anyone recognized us but we knew it and we had fun and it really cool 🙂
Wednesday was horrible. I can’t remember a moment where I’ve been that scared before… it was fancy-day and since I didn’t have any fancy clothes with me I wore PJs, a tiara and bunny slippers. Everything was awesome, I had a good day until Spanish…. Remember that I said we had a lock-down practice? Well that doesn’t happen too often… So we were shocked when the alarm went off. We immediately got the room lock-down-ready. We hid behind the teachers desk (we’re only 5 people in spanish + teacher) and it was horrible. No one can imagine how you feel in this situation. I cried, I thought I was going to die, I was in a different country, I never felt that alone, I was scare that I’ll never see my parents again or my grandma or aunt/uncle/cousin… I thought I’d never see my friends again I was just lost. I was waiting for a loud noise or someone trying to get in the room… I think one of the worst things was that we didn’t have any information about what’s happening…
It turned out that there was a shooting in town, and we were safe and the police took care of everything… Still… I was too scared to go home alone so I spent time with Alden and Rachel at Alden’s house until my family was at home. They really helped me to get over it, thank you for that… still. I was really scared the rest of the week..
On Thursday I wore my 20s dress and Alden was a 20s gangster, so we went to school together . I think throwback Thursday was my favorite day of Spirit week. Everyone looked so cool, I really enjoyed that. I had a talk with my guidance counselor and it kinda helped I guess. People  here really care.
On Friday I didn’t have a good day… I cried during Fine Metals (no one noticed, which was good) and the whole day just was… oh well..I just didn’t really want to talk all day and the teachers let me do pretty much whatever I wanted, because they knew I was miserable… We had a pep rally and that was fun. As soon as I got home and saw my family, everything was okay. I think I really needed that… It was also the weekend where we went to lake George and I also REALLY NEEDED THAT…. Perfect timing. The car ride there was awesome. We found marathon runners and we sang songs for them xD they probably didn’t hear it but we had fun 🙂 I think that’s when everything became okay again.

A rather normal week full of Drama.

Okay well the title already says it. This week was rather regular.
I had lunch with a lot of different people this week and I had a lot of fun 🙂
Also I changed my schedule a little bit, but nothing worth mentioning. I just spent most of my time in D-block in the Art room and now I’m officialy scheduled to be there. I just enjoy the atmosphere there. good music, good people, good time 😉
I’ve also had 2 drama rehearsals this week. (*cough* week full of DRAMA *cough* ;D ) One was on Tueday, where a person tried to teach us how to sing – It went better than expected but still not very good xD I loved it though! It was fun and I got to spend time with people I like, so I’m just going to ignore the horrible not being able to sing the right tones part xD Sorry for your ears! xD Not really.
Wednesday was also a rehearsal, where we went through Act 1, Scene 1-2. We planned to do more but scene 2 took longer than expected. That’s at least what Dave said…  I had fun ^-^ I also got to talk with Mia a bit more and it was awesome! 😀 I also think I wasn’t too bad at acting. I mean not that I had to do a lot but… oh well ^-^
Yesterday was pretty cool too! 😀 Three reasons: 1st: It was national pirate day. Awesome? Awesome. 2nd: After school I went to a soccer game. Yeah. What’s wrong about this? I went to a SOCCER GAME!! I don’t even know what happened to me xD I actually wanted to go with Rachel but she didn’t have time so I just went alone and I was kinda scared cause I didn’t know anyone, but someone recognized me and I just set with them and then Johnny found me and Jeremy came over and I met a girl named Emily – she sat with us – and I just loved it! I loved it so much that I don’t even know if we won against Stowe .__. I hope so! 3rd: When I got home, ‚The Uncle Kate‘ was there and we had chocolate milkshakes with strawberrie-I-don’t-know-what! And then we became horrible people ^-^ Why? Cards Against Humanity. That’s all I have to say about this. FUN!!

Back to the ‚Regular‘ Life! :)

Hello again!! 😀
I hope all of you are okay, because I’m great over here 🙂
And I’m a bit sorry, because I forgot to mention something last time I posted: WE WENT TO TOYS’R’US!! Sorry guys but everyone should’ve been to a Toys’R’us at least once in one’s life. It’s a shop full of fun xD And it was – of course – HUGE!! I can’t even describe it, but I loved it and I think that’s all that counts xD They even had little cars for kids and one of them was completely pink, like a barbie car xD and they had little bikes in superhero style xD It was just great.
Also on Thursday before the wedding there were auditions for the musical ‚Anything Goes‘ and since I wanted to be in the drama club I tried out. I was extremely nervous because they made us sing something and I hate singing in public… because I really can’t sing. But it turned out okay and Emma was there which made me a bit more comfortable and people were really nice, and the ‚Freshman‘ – a really nice girl with a nickname I don’t understand yet – had the same problem so it was actually pretty cool 🙂 …Then they made us dance. God we looked ridiculous but whatever xDD I really enjoyed it, it was fun. even though I can’t dance either. yeeeeah I think a musical is the right thing to do for me xDD No singing, no dancing… eeh. Not too bad 😉 Anyways, after the singing and dancing we had to read a few parts from ‚Anything Goes‘ and it went not too bad. When I checked on Monday I got the part of ‚John‘ who is Chinese and was a drinker before some guy converted him. It’s a small part but I’m glad! That means less singing and dancing and I like the parts I have to speak as him ^-^ And on Thursday we had our first drama-meeting! It was a lot of fun 🙂 Rachel gave me a ride and I got to meet Payton, who plays ‚Luke‘ in the show, a Chinese gambler who was converted. During the readthrough I sat next to Kaysie and I was really happy to see her again! It’s kinda weird because I met so many nice people here and I wanna spend time with all of them but I just can’t because there are so many.. and I’m so happy to see them all because they are all my friends. This probably sounds incredibly weird and it IS incredibly weird but… oh well^^ That’s my life right now. So Dave gave us all our scripts (I turned out to also be a Passenger and a Sailor 😀 ) and we just read through the whole musical and it’s going to be a lot of fun!! I mean the readthrough itself was fun! I just loved it and I love being a part of this 🙂 Thanks for that ❤
Friday was pretty regular again and Saturday was really really cold and rainy so my family – besides Patrick, who had a college day that day – just spent the whole day in our PJ’s and we watched Sherlock and Penny invited us to a little Tea-Party – instead of Tea she served milk and orange juice 😉 – and it was just a really relaxed day 🙂
Since Patrick also had school on Sunday (9/14/14), we had to go grocery shopping without him and then we had an EF meeting… god, no one of us wanted to go because we knew it was going to be boring. And it was. Sorry EF, but those meeting… I mean I understand why they are important, but it just gets ridiculous after hearing the same things for the 10th time! And I’m not even exaggerating. It was just a waste of time. At least they had food. Sorry.
After that we picked up Patrick from his class in Montpelier and went home again. Patrick made my day that day…. he showed me something he had to make for his college class. It was some sort of diagram that showed what influences him… and I was a part of it. It was one of those moments for me when I just felt like I’m really a part of this family… and I mean I really feel like it. And that’s one of the best things about this year. It’s the greatest thing you can get out of an exchange year: A 2nd family. It’s something only other exchange students can understand…. because they experienced it… and they felt the same way as I do. The moments you share with the people you meet are the best thing about life and I’m allowed to share a year full of amazing moments with awesome people. And I’m thankful for that. I’ve probably never been this thankful before. Mom and Dad? Thanks for letting me come here. Thanks for making this possible. I know how hard it was for you to let me go, but it was the best thing you could do for me. I feel like I’m the happiest person alive. Constantly.
Pseudo-Mom and Pseudo-Dad? Thank you for having me here and for including me in your family like this. I’ll never be able to give anything back to you that would be even nearly as precious as what you guys do for me. I love you people!

First Day of High School :D

August 25th was my first day of High School. Not everyone was there, only the ‚Freshmen‘, a few ‚Seniors‘ who showed us around and the new people… like me. I was so incredibly nervous, even though I already knew a few people… So when I got there, Emma showed me where my TA would be. TA stands for Teacher Advisory and it’s the first obvious thing that’s different from german schools. I still don’t really get it but everyone seems to have a TA and it’s pretty much a small group of people and a teacher and you do stuff like… hm… well I don’t know. Mr. Carr – who is my TA teacher – said we’d make bread and have fun and go to places and get to know each other…. It was very confusing at the first day cause I really had no clue what it was and where to go and everything was new and I didn’t know anyone there.. Mr. Carr was very nice though. I’m glad. So my 1st TA was kinda weird since not everyone was there. And I want to be honest with you people here –  it was horrible. I mean I guess you can imagine that it was kinda difficult for me there right? They all seemed to know each other, etc.? Well the first girl I tried to say ‚Hi‘ to was just like „Uff…“ and rolled her eyes. ….great. So after that I even had a worse time trying to talk to people. It got even worse when Mr. Carr arrived and tried to get me in the spotlight… of course that would happen, I mean I’m the German exchange student and that was a pretty big deal. The problem was that I’m not at all used to that much attention and it made me feel very uncomfortable… so I hardly talked. After the introductions – and I feeled like they were really unnecessary since everyone already knew each other… besides me, which made me feel even worse – we all got our lockers. So we went to search our lockers. Of course mine was the first one we had to go to. And I never opened a locker before. I failed miserably and everyone was staring. I felt like crying, really. I felt so stupid. Mr Carr noticed it and thankfully we just went to someone else’s locker…. 
This were the only bad things though. All the classes were shorter this day. At lunch I sat with Alden and his friends, which was really nice, I really enjoyed that!! And after lunch we ate bread they made in a special oven we have at the school! It’s some sort of tradition obviously. They did it for… oh god I don’t remember. 12 years I guess? And we got school T-Shirts. Cause we’re the Wolves and we need to show it 😉 it’s way too big but I don’t care, it’s still kinda awesome. Hey RSG, we need to work on our school spirit 😉 We’re the RSG and we need to let people know we’re awesome! Seriously. After the bread ceremony we played some getting to know each other and creating the school spirit -games. they were pretty cool. We were all standing in a circle and the first one went like this: One person was standing in the middle and said something like: „This summer I…..“, and all the people who did the same thing had to run to the middle and shake hands and introduce themselves and find a new place in the big circle. One person stayed in the middle and did the same thing again.
The other game was kinda different. I’m gonna call it the comfortable-game cause that’s what it was about. One of the teachers shouted something like: „How comfortable are you with talking to people you didn’t know before?“ And the more comfortable you are with it, the further you go to the middle. It was fun. Afterwards we could choose which games we wanted to play. I went to ‚Capture the Flag‘ with Alden and it was fun. We were the Defense and since we won I’m gonna pretend we did a pretty good job! After the games we went home. So yeah, that was my first day. It might sound worse than it was, because it was pretty awesome after all. I met a few really cool people and I really liked them! So just in case random names appear in the coming blog-entries: They are probably at my school and are my friends 🙂 Also the teachers were/are incredibly nice and helpful!! Oh by the way, I changed a few subjects. My schedule for the first semester looked like this: (This is for my german folks, cause I only know how german schedules look like. American ones are different. I’ll try to explain the difference.) The letters stand for different ‚blocks‘. One letter is usually a long block which is 90 minutes ( I think O.o ), except for short blocks which are 45 minutes, I guess. A: US History, Art B: Psychology; LUNCH, C: Spanish, D; Pre-Calculus (Math). And now (because I wanted to switch US History class for reasons) I have a long block of Art and because my new US History was either during Spanish or Psychology and I need Spanish next year I had to drop Psychology 😦 So instead of that I now have Fine Metals which is pretty much making Jewlery but in awesome and it kinda makes me feel like a smith because of how you make the jewlery :3 
Okay so after all I’m glad my 1st day was with less people than usual. It really made everything a lot more relaxed and it helped me A LOT to kinda get to know the teachers – which is far more important here than in Germany! (Sorry, I don’t wanna offend any of my teachers here. *cough* Herr Hanauer, I know you’re reading this and you’re and awesome teacher! *cough* ) But the student-teacher-relationship is a lot stronger and more personal here. A lot. That was kinda weird at first but I have to say I like this better. It makes you feel comfy at school and at home and you just know that if you have a problem you have someone to talk to who actually cares. And it’s nice to have people who care, if you don’t really know anyone. So yeah it also gave them an opportunity to get to know me and hear that my english is good enough to understand them, no matter what they talk about – and if I don’t, I can ask. The most annoying thing is really the: „Ooooh you understand me! This is amazing! Your english is good enough so you can talk, this is great!“, part. And don’t get me wrong! I LOVE it when people say: „Your english is really good! I didn’t even realize you were an exchange student! You hardly have an accent!“, and I’ve heard that from some people! But sometimes you just feel like people think you’re stupid. This is to all the people who said: „Oh I understand why you left Psychology class, it was pretty hard to understand!“ … NO!! Dang no! I loved the Psych class! It was finally something I didn’t hear before! I HAD to leave Psych because of my SCHEDULE, not because of UNDERSTANDING. v.v the difficult words were new for you AND for me. That really, REALLY annoyed me. Lucky you, I’m not good with faces so the only reason I’m not mad at you is that I don’t remember you’re one of the people who said that. There is a difference beween people saying you’re ’smart‘ and you’re ’not dumb‘. One of them makes you feel bad and one good, go figure. Same thing for the people who I notice are talking slower when they are talking with me. You probably just wanna be polite and I understand that, don’t worry. But I’m here to learn your language and I want to be as good in speaking it as you guys are, so talk normally. If i don’t get it, I’ll tell you.
Anyways, there is also a bad thing about having 2 first days: Being nervous TWICE. But everything went well! And so did the rest of the week 🙂 Friday and Mondays were days off because of Labor Day – no clue what it is but I love it since it gave me a 4-day weekend 🙂 I had an AWESOME time at the weekend!! Friday my family took me to ‚The Nodge‘ (I hope I spelled that right!) We went sort of hiking there but we were rather climbing around on rocks and having fun there. I loved it! I absolutely did. It was one of the greatest days I had here. I didn’t know that being surrounded by so much nature could be so much fun!! The next day we went to the fair! It was kinda like a Voksfest but without the beer-tents and the traditional stuff. But it was great!! I really liked it and it was really huge and they had a lot of animals there and…. oh just look at the photos I’m going to upload sooner or later! On Sunday Emma and Mia wanted to take me paddleboarding which is great cause I’ve never done it before but since we thought the weather wasnt going to be good we went to the movies in Stowe and saw 
‚Boyhood‘. It was very different…. but I liked it! I think the ending wasn’t good, but man…how do you want to end a movie that’s about growing up? You don’t. Anyways…. Thanks for that! I’m really grateful for the awesome time i get to spend here!! Thanks for everything, to everyone who makes this possible!!!! ❤
The second week was just as great, by the way. Even though it was short again because we (Angela, Penny, Issy and I) went to Angela’s cousin’s wedding on Friday so we didn’t go to school on Friday but spent 8 hours of the day in the car, on our way towards Buffalo, NY, to go to the wedding. I realized that I like US weddings better than ours. I always thought that weddings were kinda boring…. but this one wasn’t!! Not at all!! And it seemed to be more personal which I really liked 🙂 The next day we went to an amusement park and I told myself that since rollercoasters etc. usually really scare me and I dont go on them, I’ll go on any ride the others go. Well and I did!! And I enjoyed it, god I enjoyed it so much!! This was just great! The scariest one was the best by the way! It was called ‚The Viper‘ and it was huge with loops and everything scary at once, but I had so much fun!!! Thank you for taking me there! It was great and I loved it!! 🙂 This was everything I have to tell you people for now 🙂 I hope you’re having as much fun at home as I’m having here! Even though I’m not there ;P I love you!! ❤
Oh yeah, mom and dad? I realized that it’s pretty awesome to have lunch you brought from home. Maybe we can talk about that for next year 😉 Same thing with breakfast – dad? Don’t you usually wake up pretty early? We need to talk about that 😉 You guys make breakfast and lunch and I clean the kitchen after dinner. Does that sound like a deal? I think it does 🙂 


Hello again!
I have no clue if people read this at all, but I’m just gonna pretend you do 😛 
Okay so since my last post a lot of stuff happened 😀 By the way, sorry if I repeat stuff. I might get a few things confused ^^; 
Okay so we’ve been to our last Wednesday Nightlive – it was not the last one but the last one we went to. And we went to the one before, where they had free corn! I never really had corn before but this… was tasty. And free. I don’t think it gets any better :3 Also the music was pretty good^^  Isabell and Penny got their faces painted as Sherlock (one of our cats) and a lady bug 🙂 
I told you guys about the violin I bought? I finally fixed it now and it actually works and sounds pretty awesome 😀 This week I even got my E-String for my other violin which means I can finally play again. I was kinda dissapointed though… a month without playing at all is not good… But with some practice it’s gonna be okay again 🙂 
By the way, dragonfruits are way to overpriced and taste like kiwi fruits with water… but they are pretty. I also tried fake chocolate which was supposed to be a dip for fruit…. well… don’t try it. it’s just gross and doesn’t even look/taste/feel like chocolate. It’s just odd. 
Oh, did I tell you that we went to the airport when Robert the exchange student from Spain was picked up by his host family? Well, Patrick and I went to welcome him at the airport xD I’d love to say it was fun but… it was kinda random. Still. I think I should include this in my blog xD 
The week before school started we had a barbecue, because my hostparents are IECs, which means Julia, a girl from Switzerland, had a sleepover here and we had a lot of fun 😀 We kinda gave here a Morrisville tour, even though that was not what we had planned. And we bathed the cats again. Haha…. thanks Mrs Hudson. >.< Anyways… we stuffed Julia with unhealthy food just because (we actually wanted to destroy her hostfamily’s 90 day diet 😛 You’re welcome 😉 ). It was great because it was PIzza-Friday anyways. Later we also had S’mores.  Oh yeah and we tried the ‚Chubby Bunny Challenge‘ and failed miserably xD For the barbecue my IEC came over and she seemed very nice….. ^^; and Robert and his hostfamily came over and we had a lot of fun with the games – I don’t remember what they were called but since I have pictures, you’re gonna figure out what it was like xD 
The next day Emma and her family took me to ‚Bread & Puppets‘ which is a.. hmm… I’d call it a political hippie circus? And it was great! I don’t know much about politics and it never really interested me, but I just loved Bread and Puppets. Their humor is just awesome. After that we had creemees? Creamies? No clue 😀 It’s basically soft ice-cream 😀 Thanks Emma and Lodges, I had a really awesome time with you!! 😀 (It was also the last day before school…)


Soooooo this is my 2nd weekly update 🙂 
Okay well… again… last week was just great! I am so so happy here, guys! 
Even though the weather wasn’t just as good as the week before we still had a lot of fun! I finally had time to read again, which is great! We’ve been to the library in Morrisville, which isn’t far away from the house and on my way to school. It looks so awesome! Very fancy^^ And they have a lot of very cool books. It’s just great! Also Penny and Isabell – my sisters – like going there so I’l have some company 🙂 
Also Patrick played Baseball with Penny, Isabell and me, which was so much fun! Well… it wasn’t really Baseball but… he threw balls at us and we hit (most of) them with a baseball bat 🙂 And even though it was my first time doing that I really wan’t that bad!….I think. Anyways, it was a lot of fun! 
Talking of baseball, we’ve also been to a baseball game in Burlington!  It was my 2nd one so I brought my foamfinger… GO LAKEMONSTERS!!! WOOOHOOO!! It was such a long game though… and we lost… but still, it was cool to watch! I had my first ‚Root Beer‘ – which tastes kinda like…. hm… oh I don’t even know. It reminded me of bubblegum. meh. – and….. *drum roll* I CAUGHT A BASEBALL!!! I seriously caught a baseball! (Well to be honest, the guy behind me tried to catch it and dropped it so I took it but…. I decided to believe I caught it because it’s way cooler 😉 ) I almost caught one earlier but another kid got it and I’d have had to rip it out of his hand. (I was so close to doing it >.< ) There would’ve been a 2nd gave after it but the first one ended at 9pm and it takes an hour to drive from Burlington to Morrisville so we decided to go home after the first one. Which was probably good. 3 more hours would really be a bit long… 
Hmmmmmm…. what else…. oh yeah! Shopping! Yes, I know, it’s August. Still….. it’s slowly getting colder in Vermont and my pullovers are just not warm enough. And I’m talking about winter pullovers. Not the thin ones. I thought they were joking but I guess they are not… The good thing is that they have some really REALLY cheap and AWESOME stores here 😀 Which is great^^ I’m already looking forward to going there again 🙂 Anyways, the best ones are the 2nd hand stores – simply because of the messed up stuff you can find there xD Just…. awesome. 
We also went to the cinema this week! We’ve seen ‚Guardians of the Galaxy‘ and it was really cool 🙂 Finally a superhero movie with not so serious characters xD To everyone out there who hasn’t seen it: Go and grab some friends and watch that movie. It’s just fun 🙂 Best characters: Rocket and Groot 🙂 
Oh god, I almost forgot something!! We washed the cats. Yes. We WASHED the CATS!! Sherlock and Watson stayed pretty calm but Mrs Hudson… sheeesh….. I think I’m gonna call her ‚The Beast‘ from now on. Man xD I wanted to take a photo but honestly, the cat scared me a bit so…. eh… sorry. 
Friday was the last movie night, we watched Back to the Future, which is the perfect movie. I haven’t seen such a good movie in a long long time, it’s just… well.. perfect. Watch it. Grab your family and friends and pets and grandma and watch it because it’s just great. I cant wait to watch the sequels :3 Again we had s’mores and they are still as tasty as the first and second time I ate them :3 They surprise me again and again. i’m so looking forward to trying to make them with german chocolate – Sorry to you American people reading this but…. Hershey’s just can’t keep up with Milka. Also I saw ‚The Kate‘ again – a friend of my hostfamily – and I think she’s gonna be one of my favorite persons this year 🙂 She seems to be really cool 🙂 
Wow this is a long blog entry…. I actually wanted to keep it short. Don’t get used to it, people, as soon as school starts I’m gonna be busy with school stuff 😛 Sorry for mixing up the days here by the way but I don’t really think it matters to you, it’s not a diary after all. Just an update 😛 
Okay soo…. we also went to Brattleboro which is far FAR in the south of Vermont and very VERY close to New Hampshire. It’s so close that you can even walk to NH by just going over a bridge – which is what we did. Other than that we just walked through the streets and enjoyed the beautiful city/town. By the way they have a train. A real train with people on it. In the USA!! It’s really something special here 😉 And they had a ‚BierGarten‘ right next to it xD I took a photo of it. It’s kinda cool to find parts of your own culture in another country, especially when it’s so far away from home. It’s still a bit unreal but that might be because my family here really makes me feel like I’m at home. I love them. 
Besides the train, Brattleboro also has a lot of very cool and kinda weird shops! Like ‚Twice upon a time‘ which is an antique shop! I bought an almost 300 year old violin there for 17$!! It really was a hidden treasure and I’m trying to fix it up so I can play it :3 that’d be so great! There was also a beats shop with a toy section and it was so cliche! Do you know the toy stores in cartoons or christmas movies where they have the toy-trains driving around at the ceiling? I have no clue if I explained it good enough for you but… well they had that. And i took a photo xDI’m such a tourist. Another shop had very weird looking socks like… with pictures of bacon on it or… ducks… I don’t even know xD
There also was this book store that only sold Mystery and Horror books and… well… I found a Twilight Graphic Novel in there. Epic troll xDD Okay so that was Saturday and on Sunday – after we went grocery shopping and I had to pick a box of cerial…. which was one of the hardest decisions ever. thanks for that. – we went to a barbecue to get to know our neighbors! They seem really nice and the food was good. We played ‚Capture the Flag‘ which was cool!! My team lost though xD So…. that was really it. On Monday I just went to my new High School to figure out some stuff with my subjects and today I just chilled with my sisters since Patrick and Angela are off to work. 
Anyways, I hope you’re all having a good time aswell!! It’d be so cool if you’d write some comments about what you’re doing back at home or wherever you are who’s reading this^^ just to keep me up to date 😉 Goodbye!! ♥


Okay guys I have no clue how often I’ve already said this but I love Vermont. And my first week here was just fantastic, seriously. I’ve told you about a few things we’ve done here but…. oh well. I decided that I’ll just give you a weekly update about the things we’ve done, how awesome everything is, etc 😉 It’d just too much time to keep on doing blog-posts for every single day. At least right now. 
Okay so after Monday (I already told you about monday) we went to the beach at the Little River State Park, which was a lot of fun 😉 I didn’t go into the water but I tried to chase some seaguls for dinner, which was just as great 😛 Didn’t catch any though. And Patricka and Angela tried to teach me how to skip stones… didn’t work out too well xD Oh yeah there was also this little parade with groups of kids carrying flags and since there was a Germany flag I just decided to creep up on them and take a picture. They were kinda confused but… meh^^
Then we went to this cheese store in Waterbury Center – the best thing about it was the Maple Syrup. Okay, guys… you have to try Maple Syrup. Seriously. It’s one of the best things in the world. (Another good thing about Vermont is that they have EVERYTHING with Maple Syrup flavor. Literally everything.) So they had Apple Maple Syrup and Blueberry Maple Syrup and Cinnamon Maple Syrup and so on and…. gaaaah… paradise :3 And right next to it was a chocolate store. And they have so many of them! Like… what is this?! So yeah there’s no way that I won’t be fat after this year. Mom and dad? We’ll need new doors, because I won’t fit through the old ones. Thanks. 
Yeah and because Cheese, Maple Syrup and Chocolate isn’t enough, we also went to the Cold Hollow Cider Mill where they make Apple Cider. What is Apple Cider? Apple Cider is the juice you get when you squeeze an apple. That’s it. And it’s GOOOOOOOOD *-* I love it. I think I’m slightly addicted to it…? Meeh. Oh yeah by the way… don’t buy SWITCHEL. it’s a drink and it’s…. well…. it tastes like old apple juice and vinegar…. which is kinda… well… not so tasty. just don’t. Buy Cream Soda, it’s delicious!
We also went to Tuesday Nightlife in Johnson which is a free music event and it’s great! It was really cool, they sold food and the music was free so it’s the perfect time to chill. I had my first hot dog there :3 yummy! Oh yeah and we also went to Wednesday Nightlife which is pretty much the same thing, just smaller and in Morrisville! 🙂 Highlight of the day: Braiding Patrick’s hair 😛 I might upload a picture of it xD
The next day was pretty relaxed 🙂 A lot of chilling, we did a puzzle, played Doctor Who with Penny and Isabell (since I had a sore throat I had the perfekt Dalek voice). Aaaaand I also made my first burger 🙂 Patrick teaches me cooking over here, so WOOHOOOO!! I just hope I don’t burn down the house…. but wooohooo I made a burger :3
Okay Friday was Movie Night day and also Pizza Friday! Pizza? Movie? meeeh I don’t think I need to say much more about that 🙂 The pizza was self-made and the Movie was Dispicable Me 2 (Gru is German O.O), we had a little campfire, made Smores and had self-made Ginger Ale which was awesome and didn’t taste like Sprite at all! 🙂 Sooo….yeah, it was a lot of fun :3
Saturday was kinda busy 🙂 First we went to this art…… art… well… there was a lot of art I’m not sure what it was xD You could look at it or buy it  so… they had paintings and drawings and jewlery and pottery and there was music… I loved that 🙂 Then we went to Burlington because there was a Farmers Marked and it was just as nice as the first time, just that this time there was a lady with a ‚FREE HUGS‘ sign so… guess what I did 🙂 We ate flatbread which is almost pizza which makes it almost kinda brea 😉 You don’t need to understand it xD (By the way, Banana bread is kinda fruit, just in case I didn’t already write that down.)
And then we went to a parade where they had antique cars. The cool thing was is that they had mostly American cars – okay of course, but still…. you usually don’t see many antique cars but you hardly ever see antique american cars 🙂 
Sunday was just as great!! We went grocery shopping again because Sunday is grocery shopping day…. I just cant get over the size of these super markets. I have a dream that one day I will make it through a whole supermarket! I HAVE A DREAM……! Then – and you probably won’t believe me – we went cycling. On bicycles. And it was FUN!! I LIKED IT!!  😛 It was seriously cool. And sportsy 😛 And we stopped at Stowe’s farmers market where I bought regional Cinnamon-Nut-Butter and… candy… I don’t really know how to describe it but it is tasty and regional so I bought it 🙂  Then we went on cycling – Vermont is so beautiful… I can’t even describe it and even if you google it you can’t see the true beauty of it. or on photos… it’s just…. no. I whish you all could see this… whatever! We went on cycling and saw art because Stowe and the bike path are full of art 🙂 When we arrived at Stowe we ate some creamy ice-cream and theeeeen we cycled back. 
Guys I am so so so incredibly happy here, I can’t even tell… I love it here. And I love my family here… and I actually feel like family. And I love Vermont. This is just… awesome. I love my life right now, this is just… I don’t know I have no clue how it could be any better! Thanks to everyone who made this possible for me!! And now excuse me I want to spend some time with my family here^^ Have a great time! 🙂 

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Guys?? Today was AWESOME!! 
First Patrick, Issy, Penny and I went to my new school, the Peoples Academy High School in Morrisville. It’s a really small school – not the building, it’s huge and I’m sure I’ll get lost there even though the nice people who work there gave me a tour. They have about 200-300 students, but that’s okay because that means I’ll get the know most of them and that’s awesome 🙂 
They have this huge stage for their Drama Club and Dancing stuff and… oh don’t ask me 🙂 It’s just very cool and the people who work there – at least the ones  I’ve already met – are very very very nice 🙂 
I also got this nice Program of Studies with all the subjects written down in them. There are so many I’d like to take…. I’m just gonna write them down here, I don’t even care if it interests you. I’m not sure if I will have all of them, but I told them that these are the ones I’d like to take so…. we’ll see:
Humanities (which I have to take because I’ll get a History and an English credit for it and EF says I need that), Psychology, Forensics, Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Spanish, Art, Painting, Fine Metals (I think it’s about making jewlery. It said you work with copper, silver and brass), Electric Vehicle Construction, Concert Band, Softball and Drama 🙂 
Okay so after that we went home again and Penny, Issy and I decided to do a cat show. I can’t even explain it xD Sherlock won, that’s all I can say. Oh and he won because John didn’t want to jump through the hula hoop xD it was a lot of fun. Poor cats though…
So….. at 5pm Mr. Lodge and Aidan, his son, picked me up to have dinner at their place with a few people from my new High School, so I’d get to know a few people 🙂 And I did! Man…. these people are seriously awesome. Emma, Kaysie, Seychelle and Hawley 🙂 Well and Aidan of course^^ It was incredible! I’ve had Smores for the first time in my life! Its a Graham cracker and chocolate and a roasted marshmallow and you make a sandwich out of it…. daaaang :3 How could I live without that?! You HAVE to try it!! just order Graham crackers on Amazon >.< it’s worth it!! So yeah I arrived there and we played this awesome game, I don’t remember the name but I won xD I mean that’s not the reason why it’s awesome, it was just a lot of fun. And then we had pizza and watermelon and it was just great because the pizza was really good and the watermelon didn’t just taste like water. And then we collected wood to make a campfire and we had the smores :3 And we found a toad and a snake and a few scary slugs…. and a lot of bugs…. luckily there was no bear xD #NatureGirl 😛 I’ve had an awesome time with you guys thank you for that!!

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